The Key to Freedom and Human Survival is now Here with the Publication of Professor Andrew J. Galambos’ THEORY OF VOLITIONAL SCIENCE in his Magnum Opus, SIC ITUR AD ASTRA!!!


“You can’t cure crime, poverty and war by fighting it—with just more coercion. Your survival could well depend on building something better.” 

Professor Andrew J. Galambos, Course PBVS-274: Session 25, Part B

That something better, ladies and gentlemen, is found in the amazing discoveries in the theories of Volitional Science!

Professor Galambos intended for his ideas to be published. He said:

“There will be a book, and the book, of course, puts an intellectual responsibility and an intellectual respectability upon an idea far in excess of what it has when it’s in oral form only. Please note that Isaac Newton did not do very much with the theory of gravitation as long as it was not in printed form. When it was in printed form, it changed the world completely, even though he wrote it in Latin.”

—Andrew J. Galambos, SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-50: The Bridge to Freedom, Workshop 3, Part A, pp. 1006-07

“I have a more important task for myself than any entrepreneurial activity in the short run, which transcends even the corporation’s achievement in value. That’s getting this thing finalized in book form. That is more important than any other single thing, because that is what will put it into the species time scale; not these lectures.”

—Andrew J. Galambos, Sic Itur Ad Astra, V-201: Session 34, Part B, Vol. VI, p. 34

Ladies and Gentlemen: As Professor Galambos promised, “there will be a book.” The time for that book is here. This “thing” is now “finalized in book form.” Spaceland Publications proudly presents this limited first edition of the long-awaited magnum opus of Professor Andrew J. Galambos, SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, Latin for This is the Way to the Stars:


At Spaceland Publications we are dedicated to producing accurate and complete books of and about Professor Andrew J. Galambos as demonstrated by the previously released STIP-2: A Lecture Series on Nothing“Symposium on Freedom” Lectures, The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, and Your Freedom, and V-50: The Basic Course of the Volitional Sciences 3-Session Introduction. Now, in releasing the professor’s magnum opus, Spaceland Publications is certifying with our Certificate of Authenticity and with our brand name that SIC ITUR AD ASTRA has been produced to the same exact, complete, and uncompromising standards as these earlier books and most importantly, to the exact specifications of Andrew J. Galambos himself.

Aldous Huxley wrote:

“By means of ever more effective methods of mind manipulation, the democracies will change their nature; the more quaint old forms…elections, parliaments, supreme courts and all the rest…will remain. The underlying substance will be a new kind of totalitarianism. All the traditional names, all the hallowed slogans will remain exactly like they were in the good old days. Democracy and freedom will be the theme of every broadcast and editorial. Meanwhile, the ruling oligarchy and its highly trained elite will quietly run the show as they see fit.”

Sound familiar? It should. Huxley’s prophecies are taking place before your very eyes and you are powerless to do anything about it, until now.

Everyone is for freedom. But what is freedom? Professor Galambos defines freedom as that societal condition that exists when every individual has full (i.e. 100%) control over his own property. Anything less is not acceptable. Is it possible? Yes it is! With SIC ITUR AD ASTRA  you now have the blueprint to freedom.

Politics is a processionary caterpillar, a dead end, a form of enslavement of the productive and innovative people who matter the most to mankind’s survival. Freedom has never been found, nor will it ever result from political action, and certainly not in so-called “democracies.”

SIC ITUR AD ASTRA contains the principles and technologies that will enable man to ultimately coexist with the cosmos. But time is running out! This book is more, much more, than a collector’s item. It is the roadmap to freedom, indeed, “The way to the stars.” Read these fifteen volumes, devour them, study them, make their principles and technologies a part of you, then apply them to your own lives, always with gratitude and integrity. If you succeed, not only will you possess an education second to none and a happiness often sought but rarely attained, but what is more, you may very well find yourself remembered in history as the “Halley” of Andrew J. Galambos, the man or woman responsible for the entrepreneurial establishment of freedom.

Fifty-three years after Professor Andrew J. Galambos announced he was ready to begin authoring the book of his theories of volitional science, twenty-seven years after his death, and twenty-one years after his literary executor, William W. Martin, put his stamp of approval on his completion of the work, the first edition of this magnum opus is available for sale! This fifteen-volume exceedingly limited edition has been produced to the standards the professor demanded and will remain for all time the only authorized edition approved by Professor Galambos and with the imprimatur of his appointed literary executor. This is the real deal, ladies and gentlemen, and your chance to own a first edition of the most important and critical book of all time.


“Know this, the real Sic Itur Ad Astra—not the stolen, prematurely published, adulterated version of one of its early, incomplete and therefore unmarketable volumes—has been prepared, organized and formatted precisely and exactly as Galambos wanted it done. What is more, it has the imprimatur of his literary executor. Any other version of this revolutionary fifteen-volumed achievement, even if it were a perfect parallel of the authentic work, could not have been done right, as it would be produced by someone who did not have Galambos’ permission.”

                                                                                                                   —ORBIT! William W. Martin, p. xi

“Let’s say in that case the world has attained freedom through a book which is based on my ideas but has been written by someone else without my permission. I have lost control over my property. What’s your sercurity? The definition [of freedom] has just been contradicted. You don’t have freedom.”

                                                                           —SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-50X: Session 3, Part C, p. 191

Above are all fifteen volumes of Sic Itur Ad Astra. (above left is a philatelic cachet honoring Archimedes, Galileo, and Newton put out by the Free Enterprise Institute celebrating the 300th anniversary of the publication of Principia Mathematica; above middle a photo of Galambos’ father, Joseph B. Galambos, the single largest input into the theory of primary property, for the centennial of his birth in 1982; and above right a brochure for Galambos’ course P100/101 titled: Physics—The Basis of all Knowledge) SIC ITUR, 7734 pages in all, encompasses the professor’s theories of capitalism (V-50), primary property (V-201), V-50X, and the Joe Pyne interview all transcribed from the original course tapes with nothing edited out other than, in the words of William Martin, his literary executor, “his slips of tongue, sometimes an unfinished sentence, occasionally those moments when he was thinking out loud while unscrambling a train of thought or a confusion of dates or numbers, or when he made a false start or ventured a tentative sentence that he verbally erased for another. Other than this, everything was kept just as it was… even his beliefs in falsely reported history and protracted wartime propaganda were kept just as he said them since these were beliefs that had motivated him to create his theories.”

Also included is the revolutionary new kind of index developed by William Martin, the two volume set he called the “Master Concordex.” 1254 pages of perhaps the most comprehensive and explicit index ever compiled, and in a book truly worthy of such a compilation. The Concordex is an education unto itself. The books also include the hundreds of original slides the professor used during his presentations, most in color and presented exactly when the professor did so during the lectures. A Master Table of Contents is also included with over 4500 headers used in the volumes representing the topics covered by the professor. Finally, this special edition consisting of just fifty sets are, per the professor’s instructions, hardback. They are printed using off-white, high quality, 70# acid free durable paper and each volume is specially numbered and stamped one through fifty. 

The photos below depict two possible scenarios for the future of our species. Either the destruction of everything in a nuclear holocaust (or worse), or expansion into the cosmos with a short-term goal being the Andromeda Galaxy. What factors determine which outcome becomes reality? What can you as an individual do to influence the outcome? Will our species have a glorious future with the possibility of existing as long as the cosmos itself or will “the ants inherit the earth?” What path do you think we are headed for? Are you going to accept this fate as inevitable or stand up and make something of your life by joining the idealogical flowstream? Professor Galambos often said, “The future belongs to those who build it.” Are you destined to be a builder? If so it is time to educate yourself in the theory of volitional science and join us at spaceland publications in our quest for a durable society.


There will be a book, and the book, of course, puts an intellectual responsibility and an intellectual respectability upon an idea far in excess of what it has when it’s in oral form only. Please note that Isaac Newton did not do very much with the theory of gravitation as long as it was not in printed form. When it was in printed form, it changed the world completely, even though he wrote it in Latin.—SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-50: The Bridge to Freedom, Workshop 3, Part A, pp. 1006-07

Giordano Bruno. Reduced to a pile of ashes, his books survived. There are books of Giordano Bruno in existence today. And his books influenced the world forever after—or again, let me reduce it to as long as man endures, which can be as long as the duration of the universe, if we don’t blow it in the next century or more immediately, in the next decade. Giordano Bruno, who is dead and wiped out, his books are not dead. His ideas are not dead. And so, this is the permanent recording.— SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-201: Session 32, Part A, Vol. V, p. 298

Once Newton published Principia Mathematica, his work was here for the ages, for the duration of man’s civilization. And what’s more, after that, all those yapping dogs in his wake who were yapping at his heels and saying, “you’re wrong.” Or, “This is no good.” Or quibbling about this. Or, “you stole this from me, Mr. Newton, I did this first.” All these little yapping dogs passed away. There’s an old saying that dogs bark but the caravan passes on. When Newton published that, not only was the idea secured forever—well, let’s say as long as the human species endures—what’s more, his credit for it was assured. And ultimately all of the yapping dogs who were annoying him, who chased him into the mint and destroyed his personal happiness—that was behind him. And pretty soon there was no question as to who discovered the law of gravitation, who developed the World Machine. Everything else was so puny by comparison. These little ideas and idealets of other people, the Robert Hookes who said they developed gravitation, was a joke. A total joke. He couldn’t even prove that the planets moved in ellipses. If he can’t prove that very basic application, how can he claim to have developed the theory? The thing became a joke. A very bad joke. It injured Hooke. In the same way publication is the strongest form of protection for an idea, as long as it’s a cosmological concept. There’s no real basic hazard in that. You don’t even need my theory to protect the idea’s authorship on that basis, as long as the book exists.—SIC ITUR AD ASTRAV-201: Session 32, Part B, Vol. V, p. 297



“Once every few hundred years a great new revolution is born. It is liberating, exhilarating, full of dynamite. It rescues souls from estranged and sick lives. It does great work. As time passes its beneficiaries grow rich, and fulfilled. Their creative fires do not go out. They make a new world. Such occurred after Newton’s integration of the physical sciences, Darwin’s integration of biology, Maxwell’s integration of electro-magnetism and light…Now we have the integration of the social sciences. A revolution so great that all the others pale in comparison. Without this last revolution all the others are doomed to extinction.

I am looking for students and worthy investors, men rich and poor whose inner lives have grown dim. This is not a religion. It is not politics. It is a great proprietary venture, a new world outlook, the beginning of true freedom.”—William W. Martin, letter to Erik Falvey, October 24, 2007

“I am sixty-three now, my years are growing fewer, and the work obviously is larger than I can finish in my lifetime. In short, I am seeking my successor. I am also looking for intellectuals who have fire in their bellies, revolutionaries who are unadulterated by flatland, radicals who are conversant with literature and have a burning sense of destiny in themselves. The time to build is now. There will never be another like it. Years ago I read that Lenin was once approached by his cronies who were excited about some new prospects for the cause. With a flick of his hand he said, ‘Get rid of them, they are not on a furlough from death.’ It was a great statement. Uttered for the wrong reason of course. But a great statement nonetheless because it applies even more to the building of freedom. And herein lies one of the challenges of this letter, namely, the creation of an inner core of intellectuals who will take root and sprout and produce a harvest of a hundredfold. If this does not come to pass, I will die without a successor and the work of getting the remaining achievements of the professor published will have to wait, as in the days of the great cathedral building, the arrival of worthy craftsmen and scholars.”—William W. Martin, Orbit!, pp. 406-07


“For the first time in history, a definitive and universal theory of human volition now exists in book form which explains our behavior and our own events and puts them in a logical picture; a feat, as I say, never before accomplished, or, to quote the professor, even imagined ‘in all the millennia since man has had a recorded history and even before that, too.’ In fact, the significance of the knowledge contained in Sic Itur Ad Astra is so stupendous, so monumental in every way, it almost defies belief, even for those who were in Galambos’ market and knew the professor firsthand. In his great course V-201 Galambos said, ‘I wonder how many of you realize that this is the difference between your survival as a species and your extinction as a species? I wonder how many of you have even the slightest sensitivity to that?'”

“Go where you will in any field of human accomplishment, explore the lives of its greatest innovators, exhaust the frontiers of what they knew—from the moment you begin your investigations to the moment when you draw past the furthermost of these luminaries and find yourself alone, you will always see before you one solitary stellar-like object, undimmed and constant: the inexhaustible radiance of Galambos’ achievement. That luminosity, never before attained in human history, permeates every page of these revolutionary volumes and completely justifies the Latin title of this greatest of all books. Galambos learned its meaning in childhood from his Father, and loved to quote it when concluding V-201. Translated from the Latin it means: ‘This is the way to the stars.'”


                                              QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

Following are lightly edited excerpts from a  William W. Martin interview explaining what volitional science is, why it is important, and what SIC ITUR AD ASTRA is all about:


Volition refers to the ability to make choices. And science is organized knowledge. For the first time in the history of the world, we have an integrated science that refers to volitional interactions. This has never happened before. There have been approximations to it. There have been attempts at it. But nobody has ever succeeded. We have to grow up now and begin again, and we begin with the theory of freedom contained in SIC ITUR AD ASTRA which is the great integration between volition and physics. They’re now unified, using the same epistemology.


SIC ITUR AD ASTRA is a unique publication of a very great scientist’s work. Professor Galambos never did write any of his theories out. Fortunately for the world, and for us, he recorded all of his lectures on reel-to-reel tapes and we have been able to transcribe the material on those tapes down to the last syllable. And from those transcripts, edit—very sparsely—what he said. And organize it in a way that reads very rationally and very elegantly, I should say. Professor Galambos always said that repetition is the mother of learning. And it’s a very effective, pedagogical tool. And sometimes when his sentences would appear to be run on, we would not try to rewrite that or paraphrase it at all. We would simply put a comma in, here and there. And the beauty of it was that, after a while, we found out that this had its own unique style and it was cumulative. And we found also that when you read the transcripts of his live lectures, you had a profit from it that was an example, in the sense that you remembered so much more. And it’s pleasurable reading because it’s got a homely touch to it, like a fireside chat.


In SIC ITUR AD ASTRA we have produced to the world something that is of the caliber of a Principia Mathematica, by Newton. Where you’re actually almost there… present… live… in his lectures. Galambos often said that it is not enough to teach the content of a theory, you have to also teach its history and its philosophical basis which made it possible. Well, here we get it all. We get the historical background. We get the man, as you say, and all the flavor of that, along with the beautiful philosophical basis that supports and justifies and renders valid all of his great scientific principles that make it possible for man, someday, to be completely free for the first time.


The voluminous writings are all necessary because there is an awful lot to know and there are many delusions that man has to get rid of. And this really is not too much different from learning the theory of relativity. If you wanted to learn the theory of celestial mechanics, you would have to pay the price.


Professor Galambos had a very unique attitude about education. He taught that the subject was basically the transmission of absolutely right concepts to those who could understand them and derive them and who, furthermore, would go out and live them and apply them in the real world, which he defined as the world which is derived from rationality and morality, those terms being defined absolutely. Very few people will ever pay the price to become truly educated.


 Nowhere is this taught anywhere in the colleges. Nowhere is this taught in the universities. It’s not taught in the magazines. You can’t go to any bookstore. You can’t get it anywhere. You get it through what I would call the underground press. You’ve got to go where men chase the Holy Grail of knowledge and travel light. They will sacrifice everything for it.


How can I emphasize the magnitude of this late addition to the subject of philosophy, without which there is no hope for mankind? None! Absolutely none. Because we have the ability to destroy ourselves and we don’t have the ability to prevent that from happening. We have a doomsday machine. We have for the first time a non-theological, non-science-fiction doomsday machine where the body of the science of the world is controlled by the brain of a Frankenstein. The collective insane minds of political opportunists and those who are behind them. So this final addition is all-important. It’s morality, non-theological and non-mystical. And mankind, for the first time, can have a cosmic destiny. That’s what he was born for.


We’re hungry, we’re thirsty. We’re not unique. I mean, there’s plenty of potentially great men. They’re lost. They’re at sea, and my heart goes out for them. And that’s why I am doing this. [Martin gestures to Sic Itur Ad Astra on his desk.] But this will never reach the masses. This is for the progeny that must come first.


Developing a Razor-Sharp Criterion

Now, let’s go on to the subject that I really started to give, and I’m almost finished with the first half of the tape, so, it was sort of a half-session improvement on the course. I will now bring up what I asked the question for before I came to this. How many of you believe that there are absolutes as to right and wrong? Well, the reason I asked the question in the first place was, if there are absolutes as to whether there are right or wrong, you can immediately have a razor-sharp, precision distinction, as to the ego major and ego minor.

A person who has a positive ego for reasons that are right, and a person who has a positive ego—which is superficially the same thing—for reasons that are wrong, this is not a matter of opinion, this is not a matter of conjecture. This is not a matter of checking with your friends and neighbors and associates and compatriots to find out, how many of you agree with the other fellow and how many agree with me in order to find out who’s really right? Because that’s relative to other people’s opinion and not to absolutes. But if there’s a razor-sharp criterion, and if there is a razor-sharp criterion, then how do you identify that criterion and how does it manifest itself?

How Do You Know You Are Right?

Question one: How do you identify the criterion? That’s already been answered in session two and three of V-50, a most useful and practical course. True, valid, moral. True is observationally corroborable. Valid leads to intellectual generalizations called conclusions of arguments, which are logical—that is logical which is valid, and that which is illogical is invalid. Valid is such that the conclusions that you arrive at which are generalizations that can be repeated as to application again and again and again. That the conclusion, every time it is tested for its truth will pass. Therefore, if the conclusion arrived at by a thought process will always produce true conclusions—and always does not mean most of the time, it does mean a majority of the time, it doesn’t mean whenever we can make it to work. It doesn’t even mean a specific percentage; 80% of the time, or 90% of the time or 99% of the time. It doesn’t even mean all but once. “If it only has one failure, we’ll have to skip that, because it has many successes.” It means all of the time it is true. The conclusions that you get by a certain thought process and that thought process is identified as valid.

The two together simultaneously applied will produce a conclusion which is called right in physics. When you do not deal with volitional choices. When you have volitional choices, this will be inadequate, which is why social science is not a science and has always failed to produce useful results and has with the best of desires, attempts, and hopes, and dreams, and prayers—which are irrational to assume it will affect the outcome—has always led to disastrous consequences. And, given long enough, civilizations have tumbled, economies have collapsed, nations have warred, internal parts of nations have civil warred or had insurrections, rebellions, and you always have an endless stream of failures after another. Therefore, you need a third criterion to make it right in volition, and that is morality.

Morality in Volition Is Arrived at Through the Concept of Property

Morality is originally arrived at through a concept of property. Property is an individual volitional being’s life and all non-procreative derivatives of life. Property belongs to its owner. Owner is defined in terms of property. Owner is the person, the individual, who has full, total, moral and permanent control of property until voluntarily transferred where it is possible. That means that primary property cannot be transferred. Secondary can.

Property, therefore, is that characteristic of the derivative of life, volitional life, that is naturally, properly under the control and jurisdiction of the owner. If this is interfered with, or an attempt to interfere with it is made, on a purposeful, intentional basis, that’s called coercion. If that coercion is successfully performed, it is called a crime. This concept of crime, then, is such that it is a successful interference with the property of another such that someone else acquires control of the property other than the owner, without the consent of the owner. Since people want different things they have different preferences, the concept for that is called good.


Good is simply a name assigned to identify any given volitional individual’s preference of something over something else, and the transition from the lower preference to the higher preference—that transition—is called good. Good, incidentally, I call to your attention, does not refer to any status or characteristic, but to a change from a lower to a higher preference. It’s the process of moving up in preference. That is called good. And not good is going from a higher to a lower preference which, of course, is done involuntarily, not because you chose it but because you couldn’t avoid it.

Going from a lower to a higher order of preference transition, is good, but in doing so you might interact with other people and their derivatives, which is called property. Good is subjective to everybody and it’s relative to you. What is good for you may not be good for someone else. But if you make the transition from a lower to a higher order of preference in such a way that it does not in any way interfere with anyone else’s property, then that is called absolute good, because then it has no concern upon other people. If while you’re pursuing what you call good, injures someone else’s property, then you have committed a crime.

Absolute Good

By not committing a crime and not interfering with someone else’s property while you pursue what your own goals are, then you have performed a rarer, but even much more necessary to do act, which is called absolute good. The absoluteness is not in the preference, but in the non-interference with anyone else’s property. It is the same from all points of view. If they disclaim that you have injured them, there’s been no injury. You have no injury. That’s an absolute good.

Morality Deals with Absolutely Good Behavior

Morality deals with behavior which is absolutely good, and anything which does not injure any person’s property [AJG snaps his fingers], anything you do that injures nobody’s property can be said to be moral. If you then add moral to true and valid and make a requirement of both groups—the true and valid is one group which is called rational; and the other group of not interfering with property which is called moral; if they are both to be simultaneously applicable that, then, is right. And that’s an absolute.

                                                                                          —Andrew J. Galambos: PBVS-274, Session 11, Part A





In William Martin’s last letter to the pre-publication subscribers in April 1999 he explained how SIC ITUR AD ASTRA would be written, gave his reasons for this, and quoted the professor’s support of these reasons in SIC ITUR AD ASTRA. He also conjectured about why the professor hadn’t written his book, and why Mrs. Galambos and James Gafford had not succeeded after his death. William Martin wrote:

“Instead of trying for a conventional scientific treatise, I thought, why not go for an unconventional approach. It just might be the way to the solution, like Kepler when he finally abandoned his quest for the perfect circular orbit and chose the imperfect ellipse that would lead to his discovery of the first law of planetary motion. Could it be the same for Book 1 [SIC ITUR AD ASTRA]? Could it be that the problem all along had been a presupposition of elegance and order that had put a constraint on writing and prevented key questions from being asked that would open the way to the solution. In other words, why change the language as Mrs. Galambos had done? Why reshuffle things? Why not just skip all the formal stuff and stick with the lectures just as they were given and simply call them the collected lectures of Andrew J. Galambos? Who could tell? Inherent in all the spontaneous imperfections, tangents, asides, imaginary dialogues, and other perturbations and distractions, there might be a major discovery lurking. And that discovery would consist in the one and only true way to bring the world the revolutionary theories of volitional science exactly the way they should be disclosed and no other. 

“… I learned it in stages, in accretions large and small. First, there was the decision to add in all the transcribers references to the professor’s and the audience’s laughter. Then there was the discovery that the six session outline should be included, along with the discussion of the money-back guarantee and the proprietary notices. Then there was the further discovery that nothing should interfere with the historical setting of the lectures. Even the original use of the words airplane and forever should be preserved even though the professor changed these later to aeroplane and eternal.

“Still later I asked my wife to audit the transcripts with an ear for ambience that the transcribers missed. Before long she was busy correcting the occasional errors and omissions of the transcribers; adding in more audience participation and atmosphere, even the tinkling of ice as the professor drank from his cup (a happy discovery she announced to me one day). In other words, anything and everything that brought back the actual happenings of the time, which we were beginning to realize was an emotionally necessary concomitant to the actual textual content of the book. It was not just a scientific treatise. Here was a historic disclosure of a revolutionary new science that unlike all other sciences in history impacted on every aspect of human existence.

“And so, gradually, I began to get the idea that if the book had actually been written by the professor, it couldn’t have been written any better than the actual courses were themselves. The very asking of this question was very exciting to me. I mean, how could the professor possibly have improved on what I was doing now, which wasn’t really me but the professor himself, at least to the extent that I could capture him correctly with well-placed subheadings, effective punctuation, formatting of slides, etc. One day in early September of last year [1998] I was struck by an even more exciting notion. Had our great teacher subconsciously known this all along? Had this kept him from acting upon his conscious beliefs? In fact, could it have been possible that this conflict had built up a pressure head of frustration that periodically found outlet in the various forms and expressions that we’ve all heard?”

On the 18th of September, 1998 William Martin continued:

“I now believe I know the true reason. His subconscious mind knew that there was one, and only one, way for his living revolutionary theory to be written up, and that one indispensable way was precisely what I am doing now: editing his tapes in presentable, readable form with warts and all. Any other approach would lose the vital quickening power of his volitional and subvolitional inputs, without which the reader cannot fully feel, as well as grasp, the unprecedented break from man’s volitional and subvolitional past. Also to be noted. Galambos himself consciously believed, falsely I think, that his edited tapes would be an inferior albeit acceptable alternative to his formal, more rigorous writing of the book. As this was, I believe, not true, and was at variance with his subconscious, he was powerless to resist its blocking power. So in the end, he knew what he was doing after all, by proving true to his subconscious promptings.

“… Then on 1999, March 24, while thinking of my discovery of the previous summer, it dawned on me that since I had never heard the 1973-74, 1977 V-201 lectures, why not search through the remaining raw transcripts of the sessions ahead to see if Galambos had in fact voiced this same discovery. I asked my associate, Ben Cooper, to make the search and two days later, on Friday, March 26, he found me on the beach below my office where I was having lunch with my wife. I could not hear his shouting because of the crashing of the waves. But I could see his excitement as he waved a computer printout over his head. Was this the confirmation of what I had hoped for? Indeed it was! Galambos had actually come to this same realization in his final session of V-201!

“Reading the raw transcript I saw that it was all there, every word of it; and it was as apt and right and perfect when he said it in 1977 as I had independently concluded in September of 1998, some twenty-one years later. Here is that heroic passage:

‘In all due honesty, I do not think the book would have been anywhere near as good as its going to be with the disclosure as I have done it. This theory which was correctly presented in 1964, but very briefly, was too brief. There are many more things in it now. Not only is the theory deeper, wider; but it is also larger in all directions. It covers the anticipated objections, to which, of course, an innovator is not easily in tune… In my evaluation, the theory of primary property is the single highest form of cultural achievement that can be made available at this time in the history of man. It is the natural follow-through to the Newtonian integration.'”

           Andrew J. Galambos SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-201: Session 48, Part A, Vol. VIII, p. 116

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        William W. Martin Orbit! pp. 235-36

Ladies and Gentlemen, Andrew Galambos never wrote his book with pen and paper. Instead he left tapes of his revolutionary theories behind from which he knew that in the hands of a competent literary executor would be produced the ideal disclosure of the most revolutionary theory man had ever before seen. In the hands of William W. Martin that has become a reality with the publication of SIC ITUR AD ASTRA!

The following review of SIC ITUR AD ASTRA was written by long time Galambos student, friend of William Martin, and associate of Spaceland Publications, Mr. Pete Caneer.

                       Freedom—New Ideas AND a New Marketing Approach                                                                                            By Pete Caneer

Thinking of reading SIC ITUR AD ASTRA? What’s in it for you?

Most middle-class Americans are hardworking family people, and really don’t hate the better offs—the high achievers—although they don’t admire the ones who became very rich by being crony capitalists, catering to the state as computer or weapons manufacturers. These Americans normally don’t cause social problems especially since the state feeds them small benefits that can build up over time. Their kids can get free lunches in school. If they lose their jobs, they can get unemployment benefits, and of course there are health insurance and social security, too. This is so-called American freedom …so-called western style civilization.

Libertarians think outside that box. Many libertarians are well read and feel comfort in the natural law and natural rights tradition of our Founders.  Others come from a more narrow economic perspective. Libertarian slogans say ‘don’t hurt people and don’t take their stuff.’ Pretty simple. Happiness and prosperity is the goal, and right behavior is the key to getting there. That doesn’t mean, though, that everyone makes good choices. That’s why we need police and politicians, right?

While non-libertarians go along with the politicians most of the time except during elections, both libertarians and non-libertarians realize that deep down there are many big problems. Politics in general, a befuddled and basically dishonest economic system—a central bank inflation machine, taxes, general waste, schools that don’t educate, merely spew state-spun propaganda, ignorant and dishonest politicians, chaotic foreign policy with constant warfare, unfair racial reparations policies built around historical fabrications, and excessive regulations on virtually everything in our lives. Even generally happy folks, deep down, are concerned that their children won’t fare well in the future, societal collapse could ensue, and neither the state nor religions would be effective in restoring peace and order. And then there’s always the risk of nuclear Armageddon. Our system is called capitalistic and although ‘flawed’ it’s supposed to work better than anything else, right?  So, does it?

Capitalism and Libertarians and Morality

Traditional ‘libertarians’ incorrectly identify the state as the problem, yet they can’t break away from the past. They occasionally make valid economic and political arguments for freedom but mostly ignore the critical component of morality. 

Conservatives claim to understand the social need for moral foundations but often just favor organized religion and tradition, which are often unconvincing to many modern Americans, and are usually plain wrong. 

In Ayn Rand and Capitalism, Dr. David Kelley said that capitalism was the result of three revolutions, each of them a radical break with the past. The political revolution established the primacy of individual rights and the principle that government is man’s servant, not his master. The economic revolution brought an understanding of markets. The Industrial Revolution radically expanded the application of intelligence to the process of production.

But none of this resulted in freedom. Freedom isn’t an economic concept or state-granted right to vote for our own tyrant. As Albert Jay Nock said, while (property-protecting) ‘government’ can be a good thing, our enemy IS the coercive ‘state.’  Now what to do? Fight the state? Protest? Go to jail like Thoreau? Certainly not. Even the Randians could only recommend less political coercion as the solution, but hoping for less coercion from a ballot box is a waste of time.

The problem is that mankind never broke with its ethical past. If freedom is to survive and flourish, Dr. Kelley said we need a fourth revolution, a moral revolution that establishes the moral right of the individual to live for himself. 

That moral revolution is now here with the discovery of Volitional Science by Andrew J. Galambos. 

“The Book” and the Audience

Galambos was a Hungarian-born astrophysicist, a professor of physics, astronomy and mathematics and popular lecturer on freedom as a derivative of physics—what he called Volitional Science. 

After five decades, the magnum opus of Andrew J. Galambos, SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, (Latin translation This is The Way to the Stars) is finally published. Galambos himself referred to it as ‘The Book.’ SIC ITUR AD ASTRA (SIAA) is actually a 15-volume set (over 7,700 pages with an amazing index of over 1,200 pages)—the meticulously transcribed lectures of Professor Galambos. It’s a high-quality production and beautifully bound. One glance at the massive Index (Master Concordex) is an education all by itself. The book is lengthy and it’s quite expensive, but well worth the time and expense to the reader who is curious, intelligent, aspires for higher things, and is intellectually honest. The clientele for it is likely to be smaller, more educated and opinionated, and not a subscriber to the book of the month club. The ultimate target audience is the entrepreneur and the innovator… particularly those at a high level—significant innovators and entrepreneurs.  

When Galambos gave his courses, he offered the first three sessions of his intro course, V-50, as a filter before delving into anything more. If you buy SIAA it will contain the entire V-50 course on volitional science, plus the more advanced course, V-201 on the Nature and Protection of Primary Property, as well as V-50X: Surface the Giant! and the Joe Pyne interview. Be sure to go through the courses in order or you won’t really understand it. The Concordex is an unique and invaluable reference tool.

Galambos presented his theories in oral and taped lectures through his Free Enterprise Institute from 1961 to 1989 in Los Angeles, California. He developed over 117 courses for FEI’s curriculum over a period of twenty-eight years which probably were heard by 20,000 people. Galambos explicitly instructed his trustee, Galambos’ former lawyer, to provide funding from his estate to his literary executor, William Martin, to edit, print, and publish his books. The lawyer had other ideas and Martin was left to fund the project on his own with the help of two private investors and eventually completed the full book for the professor in the year 2003.

The Current Market

What happened to the 20,000 people who listened to these lectures? A lot of people in this market have simply gone away or died without ever having the actual book they paid Galambos (pre-publication agreement) up front for.  About tweny-four years ago, the estate TTEEs obtained the work-product by Mr. Martin up to that point, removed him contrary to Galambos’ specific instructions, and published a single volume of some of the lectures and called it a day. It was atrocious with thousands of errors. I took my copy of it to Ben and Lou Weinstein’s renowned Heritage Books in Los Angeles to assess the binding quality and was told that the TTEE production would be lucky not to fall apart after a small number of reading hours. Some in the market were placated, most were not. But the lawyer involved allowed no options or recourse. Galambos would be dead in the water. Until now.

The Scientific Method And A New Revolution

As Mr. Martin wrapped up his years of work on SIAA he excitedly exclaimed: 

“Once every few hundred years a great new revolution is born. It is liberating, exhilarating, full of dynamite. It rescues souls from estranged and sick lives. It does great work. As time passes its beneficiaries grow rich, and fulfilled. Their creative fires do not go out. They make a new world. Such occurred after Newton’s integration of the physical sciences, Darwin’s integration of Biology, Maxwell’s integration of electro-magnetism and light… Now we have the integration of the social sciences. A revolution so great that all the others pale in comparison. Without this last revolution all the others are doomed to extinction.”

What Is Volitional Science

Volition refers to the ability to make choices. Psychology weighs heavy here. But volitional science is about a lot more than choices. It is about both rational and moral life choices, the reasons for making them, and the results of those decisions and actions both for individuals and for the rest of humanity. This is a big deal—real science—using the scientific method, and like all science it’s organized knowledge. For the first time we have an integrated science that deals with human volitional interactions. There have been approximations to this; there have been attempts at it. But nobody has ever succeeded until now. This could be a world-changer, as Mr. Martin says, a revolution so great that the others pale in comparison and could be doomed to extinction without it. The bottom line is that Freedom is a product. You have to invent it, and then build it. Galambos discovered the principles and then invented it. Now it has to be built.

Galambos’ approach was refreshingly different. Seemingly complex, it was actually very simple, based on using the scientific method and heavily dependent on semantic precision just as physics is. If you can’t properly define mass and energy you aren’t going to build many airplanes or bridges that work. If you don’t define terms like liberty, freedom, coercion and crime, moral and immoral, impossible and possible, absolute and subjective, right and wrong, you’ll never get anywhere. One of the most interesting topics that depends on this semantic precision is ‘how do you know you are right’—on an absolute basis—about  anything. The answer to that is a life-changer. This is just one valuable gem in SIAA.

With Galambos, rather than just recite the evils of the state and watch helplessly, we can build something that works. After 6,000 years of recorded history, it finally works. And the good news is, ironically, that the masses don’t have to understand it any more than they know how their TV works.

We begin with the theory of freedom contained in SIC ITUR AD ASTRA which is the great integration between volition and physics. The definition of freedom and its achievement depends directly on the proper definitions of property, coercion, morality, and rationality. Freedom is the societal condition that exists when every individual has full (i.e. 100%) control over his own property.

This isn’t the same old ‘social science.’ Physics and volition are now unified, using the same epistemology. It’s analogous to Newton’s Principia Mathematica which integrated physics. Newton pointed out he was standing on the shoulders of giants. Like Newton, Galambos also was downstream from giants and he clearly acknowledges all of those people and their inputs.  

Primary Property

Much of SIAA is on The Nature and Protection of Primary Property. Providing credit to your intellectual antecedents is a vital part of Galambos’ theory since what he terms ‘primary’ property is more important that any other form of property. Importance is defined as the total amount of property affected or involved (as the result of the primary property). ‘Primary’ property is your mind, your intellect, your opinions, attitudes, innovations, creations and of course your ego. It’s a Ballade in the mind of Chopin before he wrote it down. It’s the discovery of wing lift by the Wright brothers, and it’s Maxwell’s thoughts on electromagnetic wave propagation that led to television. And, on the other side, it’s Stalin’s plan to exterminate 30 million peasants. It’s the thing that exists before it becomes a tangible thing. And it’s indeed ownable like any other tangible thing—a point of contention for some respected libertarians who think innovations are only what you find for free in the communist warehouse of ideas, although innovators are supposedly ‘protected’ by patents and copyrights. We all remember what happened to Tesla when George Westinghouse’s board of directors got through with him. Can you imagine that anyone claiming he wrote War and Peace last month would be taken seriously?

What if innovators really ‘owned’ their discoveries, realized the moral and rational thing to do, and prevented the state from using them to kill millions of innocents and even put human survival in doubt. For this reason alone SIAA and volitional science has never been so needed. We should never underestimate the danger of politicians—or the importance of major innovations.

Marketing Freedom – A Different Approach

In any discussion about freedom, there are as many ideas as there are people. Some favor monarchies. Maybe ‘democracy’ is best, but no one seems to know what it is. Some libertarians love the term ‘anarchy’ or anarcho-capitalist. Some dream of selling it all and migrating to the libertarian paradise of Liberland in the Balkans. Good luck on that.

SIAA isn’t a product for folks who still think if their political party were in power, all would be fine.  It’s not for the mass market. It’s not Thomas Paine’s Common Sense and won’t create torchlight rallies. 

Politicians use the most advanced advertising technology to fool you into accepting the crimes against you and your property. There are no absolutes and the best we can do is compromise on everything. It’s bad enough if you are just a consumer. It’s far worse if you are an innovator or producer. Your property isn’t really yours if I want some of it. You’ll be like Henry Ford who saw his well-paid workers destroy his factories. Or the small business where the employees want to unionize. Or the teacher who is condemned for not wanting to just parrot the bureaucratic subject matter. The radical truth is that politics has to go. It has to go because while it attempts to protect property, its only method of doing so is by interfering with it. Volitional science provides property protection without any interference.

Again, the best market for this book is the high level innovator and entrepreneur—and their confidants and facilitators and marketers.

The Ideological Program and SIAA Marketing

Protecting and encouraging the production of new primary property is where freedom starts. Innovators are rare and don’t come free. Cutting edge things that improve and expand life, enrich our experiences, cure disease, control nature, and make life easier don’t just happen, contrary to what most people think. Most consumers lack gratitude—a key component of SIAA. Innovators should enjoy a great positive ego at the same time they enjoy a good public reputation and popular gratitude instead of apathy or jealousy.

Galambos explains his Ideological Program where Innovators (often cosmologists) come up with some new thing like the integration of electricity and magnetism, but don’t know enough to protect themselves from theft and copycats—nor how to produce it properly and get well paid for it. They don’t know enough to hire (contract with) the right people, so even the highest paid employees walk off and set up a competing business. They are accused of being a monopoly, or being discriminatory in hiring, or not paying enough in taxes. They need help. They need the right interface between themselves and the rest of humanity since they don’t even know how to market themselves. Tesla again comes to mind.

If and when innovators aren’t treated well, they just don’t innovate. If the scientific advances innovators make—new tools—are instead used by politicians with a loose screw—and turned into weapons, everyone suffers. White phosphorus, great for agriculture, is used as a horrible weapon by bureaucrats.

Early adopters who can interface with innovators, help protect them from abuse, fraudulent misappropriation, and misapplication are essential to a world where the most important types of property are protected and properly used. They could be an excellent market for SIAA.

In SIAA, we learn about moral and rational product production where innovators can actually control their discoveries for beneficial uses only, and where consumers will have more happiness in life than ever before.  

Even consumers who could be laggards in production or in innovation—at what Galambos called the ‘cold end’—will benefit enormously. People like the Wright brothers won’t have to waste time trying to protect their creations from people like Glenn Curtiss. Newton won’t retire from science and retreat to the Mint to get irritations like Father Linus out of his life. 

If nuclear scientists didn’t leave ‘morality’ to the state while they create bombs to obliterate whole cities, and if they got paid correctly, we and our children might be able to finally live without fear of annihilation by some moral reject with a political agenda.

Galambos discovered the Freedom machine’s principles and then invented it. Now it can be built. SIAA is now published—it’s critical that it now lives and gets into the right hands.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.



The most important thing in my life is that my work survives and through that the species.                                                                                                                                               

—JBG-STIP 17: Session 3, Part A, July 11, 1982

On the Selection of a Natural Estate Trustee:

The selection of a natural estate trustee is a personal responsibility of the one who makes it. However, it doesn’t really make any difference, because even with the best selection, even in you say this company is really slated to be a successful one, and it’s intended for the species time scale and you think it’s going to make it, you could be wrong. And you don’t want your natural estate wiped out now, do you? Just because you selected a poor netco? [AJG drinks] So your will should provide that if certain minimum standards of handling your property are not fulfilled, the company automatically losses your account. And you should diversify it anyhow, and put it into several companies, once there is more than one company. And there will be competition….In the long run, in a thousand years, it will make no difference whether you selected the trustees or not. In the long run, it will be up to competition anyhow, and the natural estates will be competitively operated, and the best ones will get the most money, on behalf of their clients, who may or may not have known about this company and its selection.

                                                            —SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-201: Session 22, Part A, Vol. IV, pp. 63-4

The entropy that I have had to overcome, not to mention the primary thieves, not to mention the growing destruction of the world we live in, obviously makes me more and more frustrated and less and less happy. My personal life has become a total turmoil, but intellectually I am far more tranquil than I’ve ever been. Physically less so, intellectually more so. It’s too bad the two don’t meet. That, by the way, is a source of illness by itself. The fact that when you have that kind of frustration, that you have personal tranquility in your thinking and total anxiety about everything you have. What if this isn’t soon enough? What if the world collapses before anyone learns what this is all about and does something about it? That’s a hell of an anxiety, in case any of you have ever thought about that. What the hell did I do this for? Just to see it all come crashing down before it’s ever even published? This is, of course, an anxiety production problem.
                                                                                                                        —PBVS-273: Session 32, Part B
No amount of pessimism is adequate to cope with flatland; no amount of optimism is adequate to cope with the grandeur of future spaceland.                 
                                                                                     —V-231: Session 6, Part A

On Written Publication of the Theory:

But as of now the V-201s are taped, too. The V-50s have to be. Ladies and gentlemen, it could go the same way as F-201, on a larger scale. It could get a grand rejection by you and your colleagues. In that case, the Institute will terminate. I won’t, but the Institute will, and you will have voted freedom into another millennium, if ever. Because that would be voting for flatland and flatland is a terminal disease. You may say, “Why don’t you react the way you did with F-201?” Because I was thirteen and a half years younger at that time, and right now I got too much to do. Since then, I have developed forty courses which only about four of them existed. At that time I had V-50—actually it was Course 100. I had Course 100, I had 111, 76, and 201. I had four courses then. I have over forty now. All of this requires maintenance, administration and ultimately writing up. That is more critical to me. And I am not only older now, but I have more to do than I ever did, and I’m planning to do it. If you vote FEI out of existence, that’s your business. I will continue to do what I’m doing, and I’ll write it up. I hope there will be a posterity. You won’t get the benefit of it. I have a somewhat different reaction because I have more to do and less time to do it. That makes quite a difference.

PBVS-274: Session 13, Part B (end of session)

On Publication Being the Criterion of Orbit for the Theory:

I consider, incidentally, in case anyone would like to know what the criterion of orbit will be, I can give you that. The criterion of orbit will be when these ideas that you have been hearing are permanently published. Then the philosophy, the theory is in orbit. Whether man joins it there depends on the durable standard bearer concept. The attainment of orbit depends upon whether it is possible for the power propulsion to shut down and keep this thing aloft. To apply it to this, is it possible for the ideas to sustain themselves in the absence of the innovator? [AJG takes a drink.] As you know, Bruno attained orbit even though he was burned alive, because he left some books behind. And therefore that’s why I say the publication of a book would be the orbit. As a matter of fact, that can be attained even now through the tapes, properly edited. The basic concepts are also in existence. Prototype registration is a very simply attainable concept. It exists now.

SIC ITUR AD ASTRA, V-201:Session 44, Part B, Vol. VII, p. 269

On His Intention to Publish in Writing:

What I have done is recorded here on tape,and if it happens as I intend, it will be on paper. In the meantime, will it be recorded as a durable civilization, or will it be recorded as one that is too late. That is where you have to come in, into this picture. Civilization is not built by one Thomas Paine or by one Einstein. Civilization is built by those who learn from them and build the technology. Newton didn’t build the Industrial Revolution. He provided the intellectual opportunity to have it happen. Yes, James Watt did add to the Industrial Revolution. I did not mean to say that steam engines had nothing to do with it. I said it didn’t cause it. The steam engine powered the Industrial Revolution. It was caused by the receptiveness to the steam engine which the Newtonian Revolution made possible, and a few people had to understand it. Not a whole lot, but some. 

PBVS-274: Session 19, Part B

On the Advantage of a Book:

You cannot explain anything except when you have a logical sequence to pursue it through without interruption. That’s the advantage of a book. You can’t interrupt the book. You can throw it away, you can stop reading it, but if you want to read it, you can’t interrupt it because the author isn’t there to hear you. That’s the advantage of a tape course. Even a live course, if you can master the discipline of not permitting interruptions.
PBVS-274: Session 19, Part A
On the Handicap of All Orally Presented Courses:
I have to recognize there is one major defect to any course, mine included, and also anyone else’s, if it is oral. Visual inputs are, in general, more elastic, more lasting and more meaningful, and I’m fully aware of this handicap. It also takes longer to put that out. [AJG sighs.] That’s a form of frustration. When I started out, I could have written a 300 page book and that would have been Course 100. By the time I finished Course 100 it would have been 600 pages. I’m not talking about manuscript pages; I’m talking about printed pages. By the time it became a full course, it would have been twice that. Today, it’s dubious whether it’s going to be done within 2,000 pages. [Sic Itur is in fact over 7700 pages!] In the meantime, I put out thirty-eight core courses, beyond V-50 and 201. That’s frustrating.
PBVS-274: Session 19, Part A
On There Being No Seeing Freedom without Sic Itur Ad Astra:
By the way, there is no procrastination in writing a book. That’s an overwhelming. And the overwhelming, and being overwhelmed, is a source what appears to be procrastination, but it isn’t. There is only so much a human being can do. There is one easy way—in case any one of you want to speed that book up. Because I’m going to tell you this—without that book, you are never going to see freedom. Nor is your posterity ever going to see it. You say, “Why don’t you do that? Why don’t you stop teaching courses?” I have been given that Olympian advice at least 2,000 times, so please spare me the 2,001st. Why don’t I stop teaching courses and write the books instead? At least the first major one. I expect there will be many others.
PBVS-274: Session 19, Part A
On the First Book Being His Own Personal Disclosure Barrier:
The first one is, by the way, the only one that will take long. The other ones will be short, in time. Do you know why? It’s because it’s my own personal disclosure barrier—the book. Because there is absolutely nothing I could write about right now that doesn’t depend on the theory of primary property. In one way or another, everything I have done depends on the theory of primary property and the earlier integration of volitional science. The two postulates of volitional science, the connection with physics and, of course, the theory of primary property. Freedom depends on them. [AJG drinks.]
PBVS-274: Session 19, Part A
On the Critical Nature of SIc Itur Ad Astra in Building the Foundation for Everything else:
There are many things that would be easier to write about, shorter to write about, quicker to write about and more enjoyable to write about, and it would be possible to write a 300 page book in a month, on a specific application or derivation from the main theory. How could such be understood in the absence of the principal book? How could you, for example, put on a skyscraper the 83rd story, if there is no foundation? The 83rd story does not take as long to build as the foundation. The foundation has to carry the whole load of everything on top of it. When that’s out, the rest will flow smoother, the current.
PBVS-274:Session 19, Part A
On the Courses Presented Since 1961 Making Sic Itur Ad Astra Better than if It were Written Earlier:
And as far as the book itself is concerned, it has never been the courses I teach that prevented it. Quite the contrary. That makes, whenever the book does come out—as I indicated, I believe, in the previous session—the delay will have been, if not happy, it will have a very salutary and favorable consequence. It will be far better, because I could not have written this in 1961 when I first planned it. In 1961, I had Course 100. That’s not even V-50, yet. That original Course 100 is more than flatland, and less than V-50. It’s about, well, I would say, intellectually, it is 90% of V-50 and, application wise, it’s, perhaps, half of it. The cosmological part is 90% there, or better. The technological part is probably 50% there. [AJG drinks.]
PBVS-274: Session 19, Part A
On How to Successfully Apply the Theory:
The real successful applications are all people, without exception, who applied it to their own personal behavior, some to their families, some to their companies, some to all three. You have to do it for yourself, first. You have to start there. You cannot repair anybody more easily and more morally and more efficiently and more easily than yourself. Then you apply it to those closest to yourself—your family, your children, your upbringing, your prosperity. Bring them up so that they don’t succumb to the diseases of the present and immediate future. Then you could apply it to your contractual behavior. There are many people who have formed some kind of a business that they didn’t have before my courses were taken by them. There are some who have already been in business on their own, but have had a pure flatland operation. They converted it. It depends upon—there have been some people who have been motivated to take a risk and go on their own, and prior to that they were too afraid to move, and they were employees, and they would have remained employees until they developed the guts to earn a living for themselves. And every last one of these people, without a single exception, who had succeeded in making a living this way, even though they worked harder, not one of them works fewer hours. Every last one—if this scares you—every last one of them worked more hours than he did in flatland. And not one of them has ever regretted it because it has given significance to his life.
PBVS-274: Session 18, Part B
On What gives Your Life Significance
Whether you live or die as a human being is of lesser consequence than whether the ideological flowstream is preserved. You say, “That sounds like an altruistic statement.” No. That’s what gives your life significance, because you’re going to die anyway. You weren’t given a choice on that matter. The only question is, while you lived what did you do with your life? To be added to the ideological flowstream or not, that’s where you have a choice.
Sic Itur Ad Astra, V-201: Session 25, Part B, Vol. IV, p. 296
On How the Natural Estate Trustee Naturally Comes About
In the long run, nobody’s going to pick his own trustee. In principle, he has the right to. What is going to have to be done is that this be done on a mechanism basis, wherein the trustee naturally comes about from its own competence, morality, and rationality. No matter who you pick in the beginning, it will have to gravitate to a market mechanism in the long run, so there will be no difference between the past and the future.
Sic Atur Ad Astra, V-201: Session 19, Part B, Vol III, p. 402 
Note from Spaceland Publications: Is there anyone who, after reading the professor’s own words above, still believes that the trustee appointed by the professor, which became five trustees after his death and six now are still “trustees” of the professor’s estate??? Would the professor approve of anything they have done with his estate over the last twenty-eight years since his death??? How much, if anything at all, remains of the several million dollars he left in his estate at his death? How many of his books were published, the very reason for the creation of the trust? The answer: ZERO! Fortunately the professor dealt with this possibility in the quote presented above and the “market mechanism” has taken over!


Other books of Professor Andrew J. Galambos available through Spaceland Publications and Amazon.

Spaceland Publications proudly presents another radical, revolutionary must read for any intelligent, curious, intellectually honest person who aspires for higher things:  STIP-2:  A Lecture Series on Nothing:

Spaceland Publications is honored to present STIP-2:  A Lecture Series on Nothing. This has been transcribed directly from the tape recorded lectures of the live presentation of STIP-2 by Professor Galambos. Spaceland Publications-following the example of Galambos’ literary executor, William W. Martin-has edited out nothing other than, “the professor’s slips of tongue, false starts, rare moments of trying to unscramble confusions of thought, dates, numbers, etc.”  This is in keeping with the procedure William W. Martin-used in editing Galambos’ fifteen volume magnum opus, Sic Itur Ad Astra.  The result? Vintage Galambos! No dull exposition of scientific facts here. Rather, an animated, excited, often humorous and always articulate teaching of the most profound concepts of physics, biology and volitional science by a professor whose love of the subject matter was palpable. It is the hope that the reader will feel more like he is listening to a lecture than reading a book, that Professor Galambos is talking to him, not writing to him.

Why, you may ask, are we publishing STIP-2 first? Why not STIP-1? And what has happened to the other nineteen STIP courses the professor delivered? Tragically the answer to those questions requires an understanding of the criminal (as defined by AJG himself) actions and negligent lack of actions on the part of the so-called “trustees” of Galambos’ natural estate.  For this documentation I refer you to Bill Cobb’s thoroughly documented books. For now, let it suffice to say that Professor Galambos gave over one hundred seventeen courses including the twenty STIP courses.  Spaceland Publications has reason to believe that many, probably most, of these courses have been destroyed. Spaceland Publications looks upon this as THE major crime against civilization. The publication of this short but significant course is the beginning of rectifying these injustices, out of gratitude to Professor Galambos. STIP-2 was originally scheduled as a one-day open-ended course for 1976 September 11. After delivering two sessions that day the professor realized he had only scratched the surface of the significance of “nothing.”  Therefore, one year to the day, on September 11, 1977, Sunday, the professor delivered a three-session extension to the course, making it five sessions in all and renamed the whole as “A Lecture Series on Nothing.”

Professor Andrew J. Galamos

Spaceland Publications Presents:  The “Symposium on Freedom” Lectures and The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, And Your Freedom by Andrew J. Galambos:



“Symposium on Freedom” Lectures

In 1952, Andrew J. Galambos changed his name to Joseph A. Galambos in order to honor the memory of his late father, Joseph B. Galambos, whose influence, more than any other, inspired the younger Galambos’ achievements. He retained this name until 1964, when, realizing that he actually might be obscuring his Father’s place in history, he changed his name back to Andrew J. Galambos.

Though seemingly contradictory, both name changes in fact arose from the same motivation: that of honoring his Father. Thus, the name shown in the title of these lectures and the name shown in the prototype and copyright all belong to the same person: Andrew J. Galambos.

Professor Galambos delivered two lectures at The Symposium on Freedom in 1961. The first on December 2, entitled “How Freedom Will Win”; the second on December 16, entitled: “Freedom vs. Destruction.”

It should be noted that Professor Galambos delivered these early lectures approximately eight months after he had formally integrated Volitional Science (on April 28, 1961) and provide a tremendous introduction to his ideas and fundamental principles.

Readers familiar with Galambos’ work will note the mention of several key concepts: capitalism, freedom and property; concepts that would all evolve and come into full fruition by 1964, when Professor Galambos presented his seminal course: “The Nature and Protection of Primary Property.”

Spaceland Publications has the honor to present both these lectures in printed form for the first time in history.



The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, and Your Freedom

Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2022

This book is a real tribute to Professor Andrew J. Galambos, and a major celebration of Western civilization and its rich history at a time when some people with perverted agendas are trying to destroy it. There is much historical information and strong evidence that Thomas Paine was the actual original author of the Declaration of Independence—certainly the ideological author. Galambos maintains that what Thomas Paine started is the beginning of a much larger concept of freedom, a larger American Revolution and a much larger concept than we struggle with now—which is still anchored to the Newtonian principles of rational scientific thinking from which you can develop a higher level social structure (that includes morality). And we’d better get with it, or there may not be a species at all. ‘The bomb’ matters and now we have biological weapons capable of wiping out humanity completely.

With Galambos’ deep understanding of American history and our ideological heritage of pursuing freedom, this book will help you understand what the American founders really thought and really said about the real purpose of the American Revolution. It will help you put things in perspective if you’re a history student or if you’ve read background documents like Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiment or the writings of Etienne de la Boetie or Locke.

The lectures point out that the Declaration of Independence was an attempt to improve things with a political system based more on natural law than on hereditary monarchy. It was indeed a start. And now the second phase of the American Revolution is here. For people interested in Galambos’ ideas on freedom and volitional science the last section (lecture) in the book is a great introduction. Wouldn’t it be pleasant in the future to not have children grow up without constant fear of nuclear war, without having crime and racial mayhem on the news constantly, without having victimhood officially confirmed as a virtue by the ‘government’ and without politicians claiming that no responsible person should even want to bring children into the world?

Read the V-76 Lectures and take a deep breath. At the end of the book, Galambos’ lecture includes an introduction to volitional science and shows the connections between it and Paine’s thinking. You see, Paine was a student of Isaac Newton, including some knowledge of astronomy. He was a rational thinker. So was Galambos a Newtonian and an astrophysicist. After much clear thinking, just as physics requires clear thinking, his main premise is that we can live without politics quite well simply by being rational, and moral. You’ll see that moral behavior for thousands of years has been centered around respect for property. And, you’ll see that we’re thankfully on the verge of a second American Revolution that could change the world.

Spaceland Publications has again done a great job of making Galambos’ lectures available as originally presented to live audiences, word for word, easy to read with an excellent table of contents and an amazingly thorough index to find any topic in seconds. If you’re curious about our American historical beginnings and want new and correct thinking about freedom itself—not just acceptance of the political state or more drivel about which political party is best—this book is for you. You might then want to read the entire 15 volume lecture series, with many more exciting and innovative ideas, also from Spaceland Publications. 

“Anybody here ever thought that that [Newton’s going to the mint] was the greatest tragedy for the progress of man?  And how many of you prior to meeting me would have picked Newton going to the mint as that?  I can only name one thing comparable with that, and that hasn’t happened yet.  But if my work doesn’t get finally in a position where it’s permanently recorded, that will be of comparable catastrophe.  But that hasn’t happened yet, so that’s still open.—Sic Itur Ad Astra, Session 12A, VOL. II, p. 416

William W. Martin, Literary Executor for Andrew J. Galambos, the man responsible for putting Galambos’ work in a position of being permanently recorded.

Spaceland Publications is proud to present the first and only unabridged and unadulterated version of Andrew J. Galambos’ Course V-50, published in June 2023, containing the all-important moral application and imprimatur of the professor’s Literary Executor, William W. Martin, and the company he founded, Spaceland Publications. The full nineteen sessions are now  available as the first three volumes of the full Sic Itur Ad Astra. See above for more information and to order!

There’s nothing else like it

Reviewed in France RF on June 28, 2023

Verified Purchase

V-50 is a simplification of a subject that previously was confused beyond all comprehension.

This is a course on science, but science in a revolutionary new context. A science which has been extended from the classical physics into a new domain called volition; in other words, the extension of the scientific method (rationality) into the domain of sociology.

You will see that semantics is the beginning point of science and here you will discover totally new and revolutionary definitions of: freedom, property, happiness, morality, and capitalism.
You learn what justice is; you will learn what science is.You will know the difference between right and wrong on an absolute basis.
Above all else, you will discover an absolute definition of property, totally unique in world history. Property, in all of its manifestations, is the main subject matter of volition (the same way that energy is themain subject of physics.)

Essentially what you’ll get out of this course is how to enhance your happiness by being properly educated to the real world. You will lay hold of happiness, the likes of which you’ve never known before.
There’s nothing else like it.



This introductory ticket and sampling of the first three sessions of Andrew J. Galambos’ revolutionary Sic Itur Ad Astra is intended for intelligent persons who care about the future of the human species.

If you are one of those intelligent persons, the first of these three sessions will sensitize you to the crises presently confronting mankind, the alternatives for civilization and the consequences to be expected, the inadequacy of the present techniques to cope with these crises, and the new approach to freedom. You also will learn the first few fundamental definitions of Galambos’ theory of volition, along with the importance of precision, as well as the identification of the path to be taken to achieve genuine solutions to problems.

The second session will teach you the requirement for absolute standards of rightness and will provide you examples of relative and absolute rightness. You will be taught the success in achieving absolute standards in physics and the failure to do so in the social sciences. You will go on to learn the identification not only of absolute rightness in the physical sciences and why there has been failure, thus far, to extend this to the social domain, but also of how to overcome this successfully. Further, you will learn the identification of absolute rightness in the volitional sciences, and what the scientific method really is, and how it has now been applied to volitional science.

In the third session you will learn how a new science of volition has been established, and the two basic postulates that make this possible, along with examples and applications.

The result? You’ll be inspired to master all fifteen volumes of Sic Itur Ad Astra— for without the knowledge and principles contained in these volumes no man can build a new life for himself or help to build the world of freedom to come.

—William W. Martin, Literary Executor for Andrew J. Galambos



Books Available by William W. Martin, literary executor for Professor Andrew J. Galambos. Stay tuned, much more to come soon!

“In this book you will learn how freedom has become an attainable reality through the great achievement of Professor Andrew J. Galambos. You will also learn how immediately after his death his great theories of volitional science were expropriated, defiled and partially and prematurely published by interlopers from his own market seeking unearned glory and personal aggrandizement, and how, in spite of these treacherous crimes, Professor Galambos succeeded through his literary executor in getting his theories of volitional science published and put, as he allegorically stated it, into their permanent, stable configuration which he called orbit.

“I can now declare, with full support from the theory, and from the living examples of the professor, that the hardest part of getting to freedom is over. Galambos’ revolutionary theories are now in orbit. Before us beckons the third step of the ideological program and the reaching of those precious few idealistic realists who will go on to establish the new majority. Beyond that, to quote the professor, we will obtain:

“‘…man’s ability to be a creature that can control his own destiny, develop his own biological evolution, expand into the cosmos, and live in peace and tranquility, and spend his surplus energy developing new things instead of killing himself and killing others. I hope you are excited by the prospect of this, because you’ve never had a bigger one presented to you before.'”

Professor Galambos: Sic Itur Ad Astra, V-201, Vol. VIII, Session 47, Part B p.99 William W. Martin: Orbit!

“Gallant heroes lived before Agamemnon, not a few, but on all alike, unwept and unknown, eternal night lies heavy because they lack a sacred Poet.”—Horatius

In this tale of adventure and intellectual discovery William Martin becomes the sacred poet for both Lance Martin and Andrew J. Galambos. As he recounts the life of his son Martin lays out the roadmap to raising a young philosopher. Here we follow the boy through his early adventures exploring the natural wonders of his world, discovering a love for play, for sport, and for life itself. But above all we follow the fantastic adventure of his pursuit of and love for knowledge. From his first lessons in the power of semantic precision to sitting at the feet of Professor Galambos at age thirteen and learning his theories of primary property and freedom, we watch as a young boy blossoms into a philosopher. Follow along as Lance sits at the feet of his two great teachers, William Martin and Andrew J. Galambos, and you too will turn full face to life. From the history of the enterprising entrepreneurs who made America great, to the basic tenets of the theory of freedom; the wisdom that lies in this book will open your mind to a new world of intellectual discovery and start you on the roadmap of the great voyage of discovery that will save civilization from the brink of destruction. And if you are a parent, learn how William Martin bridged any possible generation gap to become not only Lance’s father but his greatest friend and teacher and thus raise history’s “First child of freedom.” If successful perhaps you will have the joy of hearing, as William Martin did, that his son stood up in a high school classroom and responding to the teachers inquiry as to why his father was the one person he admired the most responded, “Because he is not only my father, but my teacher.”

Rest assured this is not some boring, dull pedantic memoir of an ordinary life. This is a candid confession of a young boy turning into a man who is desperately frustrated and at odds with the world around him (and who wouldn’t be, especially today?). The status quo he finds himself in simply will not do. Searching, damning, questioning, cursing and pounding the earth for the true meaning of his one and only life! Author, revolutionary, freedom builder, lover of nature, surfer, diver, professional baseball player, romantic, lover and uncompromising hater of the evil in the world he inherited, William Martin will show you the way to a rich and meaningful life; indeed, to the life of a maximum person! This book marks the beginning of an odyssey unique in human experience. It is brutally honest, intimate beyond conventional restraints, and shows the ways and means to a self-victory against the present darkness. It has everything you should want: humor, depth of thought, revolutionary adventures of mind and body, stolen water, great loves and hates and in the end a beautiful blueprint for one’s formative years in preparing for a great life. Whosoever reads these adventures will fly with eagles. Stay tuned for volume two of Martin’s autobiography, The Great Conversation!

This book is about a breed of boys and young men who ran free and great. Money, getting ahead, and the cares of the world were the farthest things from their minds. Comradeship, the beaches of Sunset Cliffs, California, the surf and the spirit of adventure was what really counted. It is about a glorious passage, purpled and heroic, in a world still innocent and nature-drenched. Do not mistake this for a trivial book. The free spirit, lust for life and radical nature of William Martin which would come to fruition as the literary executor of Andrew J. Galambos was born of his years as a Beachboy. This book about surfing and the beach is all about the preparation for a great life.

Click here to purchase these books from our bookstore or click each book to purchase from Amazon

Books available from Bill Cobb/History of The Free Enterprise Institute Stay tuned, more to come!

The dedication page to Bill Cobb’s must read story of the most critical time in the history of The Free Enterprise Institute reads:

To Andrew Galambos

My incomparable teacher

And the architect of civilization.

And to

William Martin


Who chose spaceland,

And had the courage

To leave flatland forever.

We are fortunate to have this thoroughly documented history of the titanic struggle waged by Professor Galambos’ literary executor, William Martin, a struggle which led to the publication of the magnum opus SIc Itur Ad Astra on June 27, 2024 in commemoration of the centennial of the professor’s birth. This is THE must read history of one of history’s greatest positive victories written with passion and dedication by a man who was privy, for nearly a decade, to inside information, and who displayed the finest example of intellectual honesty by recognizing the lies he had been told by the so-called trustees of Galambos’ estate and working instead for the final triumph of the professor and William Martin. Telling the story of the publication of the most important book ever written, Cobb’s history is a must read for anyone wishing to understand the significance of Professor Andrew J. Galambos and his literary executor and the interlopers they had to overcome.

This “Pamphlet, ” a follow-up to Mr. Cobb’s Andrew J. Galambos: Betrayal and Triumph!, presents more evidence that the interlopers who masqueraded as “co-trustees” of The Free Interprise Institute for over two decades made no attempt to carry out any of the instructions left to them by the professor for the publication of his theories of volitional science. In fact, through flat out lies they attempted to convince the dying remnant of the professor’s market that he never wanted his works published at all!!! Cobb presents over 120 examples of Professor Galambos referring to his upcoming book and books in just a small sample of his actual, unedited taped courses! Shortly after the publication of this exceedingly well documented book Cobb and his associates at Spaceland Publications would present the professor’s magnum opus, Sic Itur Ad Astra to the world to the exact specifications set forth by the professor when he first announced he intended to write his book over half a century ago.

Spaceland Publications proudly presents the publication of The Ernst Zundel Interview of William W. Martin

by Bill Cobb


In the early 1980’s, Ernst Zündel unearthed many intentionally concealed facts regarding World War II history and the “Holocaust.” Zündel—in spite of being denounced in the media, physically attacked, parcel bombed, having his house set on fire, dragged into court time and time again and unjustifiably jailed until his death—courageously dedicated his life to revealing truth through his revolutionary writings and videotaped interviews, and continued doing so to his very last breath on August 5, 2017.

On September 29, 1999 Zündel conducted a videotaped interview with William W. Martin. Martin was literary executor to astrophysicist, and developer of volitional science and theory of freedom, Andrew J. Galambos. Zündel remarked that his interview with Martin was “at the top 480” of all his interviews. Immediately after the interview Zündel said to his wife, Ingrid, “I have just met one of the finest minds ever!”

Andrew J. Galambos presented his theory of freedom from 1961 to 1989 in Los Angeles, California, attracting thousands of students from all parts of the globe. Later, Martin would transcribe the audio recorded lectures on the professor’s behalf and completed his book in the year 2000, titled Sic Itur Ad Astra (Latin to English translation: “This is the Way to the Stars”). Galambos derived volitional science (replacing so-called “social science”) from physical science—physics—using the scientific method exclusively. The professor defined freedom as: The societal condition that exists when every individual has full (i.e. 100%) control over his own property.

No one—outside the professor himself—understood and articulated Galambos’ theory of freedom better than William W. Martin. Martin specifically addressed Zündel’s market in the interview:

“And for those in your market, who can in some way at some point in this interview be stimulated as I was… Then they have a chance at life. And this is what lies beyond the great struggle we’re up against now. We prevailed in that. But while beginning to build these technologies, as the state disintegrates. We don’t fight the state—it will accommodate us in its suicide. We need the principles; we need the ideological background; we need the postulates; we need the method in order to build a gradual movement of dedicated, educated by the definition I gave. I repeat, education is the successful transmission of absolutely right concepts [Martin slaps his desk] to those who not only can understand them, but will apply them in the real world. The real world is derived from absolute rightness.”

The Ernst Zündel Interview of William W. Martin covers radical, revolutionary and liberating philosophy that provides new knowledge which is the key to understanding the truths of the past, present and future. Martin provides Zündel, and the reader, with a panoramic sweep of Andrew J. Galambos’ theory of freedom and volitional science in a simple, straightforward style. In this book, Cobb shows how Galambos, in spite of being a victim of false propaganda, was able to develop the solution to the rise and fall of all civilizations. Sic Itur Ad Astra is the roadmap to a stable and durable civilization. Please contact us at www.spacelandpublications.comand join us in our quest to ensure the survival, expansion and advancement of Western Civilization.

“The future belongs to those who build it.”—Professor Andrew J. Galambos

William W. Martin, Literary Executor for Andrew J. Galambos

Professor Andrew J. Galambos

“You must always see yourselves as producers in the species time scale.  If there is a future for man your posterity will look back to you as heroic figures staggering out of long darkness into the light,  with Archimedes and Newton as your contemporaries.  But should this not come to pass, if it is too late to halt the destruction, then you must know that you have lived rightly and were worthy of freedom.”—William W. Martin, Literary  Executor for Andrew J. Galambos

“And I would like at this time to say that when I was a small boy my father taught me a small but most monumentally large statement…And that, ladies and gentlemen is Sic Itur Ad Astra which means:  ‘This is the way to the stars.’…I would like to introduce you to man’s first major, near-term goal:  our nearest neighbor in galactic space— the Andromeda Galaxy—about a million light years away.”
Professor Galambos’ closing words to course V-201.
V-201: Session 48, Part B
Vol. VIII, p. 168

Statue of Herman in the Teutoberg Forest, North Rhine, Westphalia.
In 7 AD one of the largest armies in the history of the Roman Empire, three legions under the command of General Quintilius Varus, marched to conquer and garrison the Germanic lands beyond the Rhine. They would have succeeded were it not for the courage and indomitable will of one man: Herman, who the Romans called Arminius.
In 9 AD Herman organized the chronically feuding German kingdoms to resist the invader. In the thickly forested area called the Teutoberger Wald, Herman and his Germanic brothers attacked the Roman legions. After a battle lasting for days, the Roman legions were completely decimated. When news of the defeat reached Rome, Caesar cried out in the Senate: “Varus, where are my legions? Give me back my legions.” It was one of the worst defeats in the history of Rome. As a result, never was Rome able to conquer this region and the Germanic peoples were spared the fate of Rome.
Though victorious, Herman suffered greatly. His pregnant wife’s father, Segestes, betrayed his homeland and daughter by handing her over as hostage to the Romans, where Caesar had her paraded through the streets of Rome in chains. This treatment led to the loss of Herman’s son who was born in captivity. Tacitus in his Annuls, quotes Herman’s powerful speech to his fellow Germans:

   “Noble the father, mighty the general, brave the army which, with such strength, has carried off one weak woman. Before me, three legions, three commanders have fallen. Not by treachery, not against pregnant women, but openly against armed men do I wage war….Let Segestes dwell on the conquered bank…If you prefer your fatherland, your ancestors, your ancient life to Roman tyrants and their new colonies, follow me to glory and to freedom rather than Segestes to ignominious servitude.”
