This book marks the beginning of an odyssey unique in human experience. It is brutally honest, intimate beyond conventional constraints, and shows the way and the means to self-victory against the present darkness. It has everything you should want: humor, depth of thought, revolutionary adventures of mind and body, stolen water, great loves and hates, and, in the end, a perfect blueprint for one’s formative years in preparing for a great life. Whoso reads these adventures will fly with eagles.

A must read for anyone wishing to understand the formative years that led to William Martin’s ultimate success as literary executor of Andrew Galambos and the author of over a dozen revolutionary and radical books. Stay tuned to Spaceland Publications for the release of more volumes in this historic series.

Note from Spaceland Publications: It seems inconceivable that there are people out there including so-called students of Professor Galambos that believe the “Big Red Book” carrying the title of Sic Itur Ad Astra, Volume One was anything other than a stolen, incomplete, unauthorized abortion printed on exceedingly poor quality paper of the wrong color and so poorly bound that one well-known publishing company said, in writing, that, “If used at all this book…will probably have a ‘life expectancy’ of a few hours.” Even worse though, are the errors on nearly every page of the book. Below is just a sample of the disasters in this book that one of the Literary Executor’s colleagues compiled in only a few minutes. Since that time he has identified over ONE THOUSAND errors!

And who was responsible for this disaster? The man who had the gall to put his name under Galambos’ on the title page! “Edited by Peter N. Sisco.” Just what did Mr. Sisco do to earn the title of editor? Did he even read the book? Did he even utilize a simple spell checker? Was he actually paid for this or has he, as justice requires, paid restitution both in P1 and P2 for his nightmare production?

This, ladies and gentlemen, is what you get when a book in the name of Andrew Galambos is put out by someone without the imprimatur of his literary executor! You get garbage from a man who knows about as much about the professor’s theory as an average flatlander. And beware, people like this never seem to go away. Sometimes they disappear for twenty years or more and like a bad dream reappear to do more damage! Steer clear of this man lest he gets his claws into Professor Galambos a second time. Do not let amateur’s do the work of professionals.

I urge you to see Orbit! pp. 125-232 for a full expose of Peter Sisco’s “work.”

For those of you holding false ideas of William Martin being an anti-Semite I leave you with a quote from his 4-5-2003 Announcement of Sic Itur Ad Astra publication. Yes, William Martin is talking to many of you:

“Do you know what the irony is here? Intellectual lightweights, neurotics, assorted riffraff that purport to be representatives of Galambos’ theory—they’ll hear my comments and jump to the conclusion that I’m a Jew-hater. Yeah? Well, how come it is that I have invested my entire life in the teachings of, in my estimation, the greatest Jew who ever lived?”

William W. Martin


Spaceland Publications is proud to present the first and only unabridged and unadulterated publication of Andrew J. Galambos’ Course V-50 containing the all-important moral application and imprimatur of the professor’s Literary Executor, William W. Martin, and the company he founded, Spaceland Publications. The full nineteen sessions will be available to the reader soon!

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There’s nothing else like it

Reviewed in France RF on June 28, 2023

Verified Purchase
V-50 is a simplification of a subject that previously was confused beyond all comprehension.
This is a course on science, but science in a revolutionary new context. A science which has been extended from the classical physics into a new domain called volition; in other words, the extension of the scientific method (rationality) into the domain of sociology.
You will see that semantics is the beginning point of science and here you will discover totally new and revolutionary definitions of: freedom, property, happiness, morality, and capitalism.
You learn what justice is; you will learn what science is.
You will know the difference between right and wrong on an absolute basis.
Above all else, you will discover an absolute definition of property, totally unique in world history. Property, in all of its manifestations, is the main subject matter of volition (the same way that energy is the
main subject of physics.)
Essentially what you’ll get out of this course: is how to enhance your happiness by being properly educated to the real world. You will lay hold of happiness, the likes of which you’ve never known before.
There’s nothing else like it.



This introductory ticket and sampling of the first three sessions of Andrew J. Galambos’ revolutionary Sic Itur Ad Astra is intended for intelligent persons who care about the future of the human species.

If you are one of those intelligent persons, the first of these three sessions will sensitize you to the crises presently confronting mankind, the alternatives for civilization and the consequences to be expected, the inadequacy of the present techniques to cope with these crises, and the new approach to freedom. You also will learn the first few fundamental definitions of Galambos’ theory of volition, along with the importance of precision, as well as the identification of the path to be taken to achieve genuine solutions to problems.

The second session will teach you the requirement for absolute standards of rightness and will provide you examples of relative and absolute rightness. You will be taught the success in achieving absolute standards in physics and the failure to do so in the social sciences. You will go on to learn the identification not only of absolute rightness in the physical sciences and why there has been failure, thus far, to extend this to the social domain, but also of how to overcome this successfully. Further, you will learn the identification of absolute rightness in the volitional sciences, and what the scientific method really is, and how it has now been applied to volitional science.

In the third session you will learn how a new science of volition has been established, and the two basic postulates that make this possible, along with examples and applications.

The result? You’ll be inspired to master all fifteen volumes of Sic Itur Ad Astra— for without the knowledge and principles contained in these volumes no man can build a new life for himself or help to build the world of freedom to come.

Literary executor for Andrew J. Galambos

—William W. Martin



 There will be a book, and the book, of course, puts an intellectual responsibility and an intellectual respectability upon an idea far in excess of  what it has when it’s in oral form only. Please note that Isaac Newton did not do very much with the theory of gravitation as long as it was not in  printed form. When it was in printed form, it changed the world completely, even though he wrote it in Latin.                                                                                                                                                                Andrew J. Galambos, Sic Itur Ad Astra, V-50: The Bridge to Freedom, Workshop 3, Part A, pp.1006-07

Quote of the day from Andrew J. Galambos Posted 1/30/2024

As a matter of fact, that’s one of the principal characteristics of primary property, that it’s the only form of property that can be generated without a market at all, simply because the motivation for the market is the self-market. The individual desire of the innovator to innovate in the personal timescale because of his own curiosity and, thus, his drive. Then, if he has a longer term point of view, which, in general, he will, he will want to make sure he not only develops it but, in some form, he leaves it behind, either in the form of a written disclosure, or by having a group of students that he has taught this to. That can happen both ways. The permanent written disclosure is the better, of course. … But then, because he has such an ego that he does not wish it to die with him, he has a psychological lever which he can accomplish through the mechanism of permanent disclosure which is, in general, writing. This way civilization has a cultural thread that flows through the whole of it. … The fact that a person who has done something with which he has reason to have some measure of major self-respect, which is an ego major. He knows he’s going to die. He knows that this is a certainty to occur and then he says, “Well, how can I have what I have done not die?” So, that’s the motivation for the disclosure and the carrying it forward into future generations. It’s his psychological lever, and that psychological lever is the cause of the long-term attitude, for a few people.

PBVS-273: Session 31, Part B

The entropy that I have had to overcome, not to mention the primary thieves, not to mention the growing destruction of the world we live in, obviously makes me more and more frustrated and less and less happy. My personal life has become a total turmoil, but intellectually I am far more tranquil than I’ve ever been. Physically less so, intellectually more so. It’s too bad the two don’t meet. That, by the way, is a source of illness by itself. The fact that when you have that kind of frustration, that you have personal tranquility in your thinking and total anxiety about everything you have. What if this isn’t soon enough? What if the world collapses before anyone learns what this is all about and does something about it? That’s a hell of an anxiety, in case any of you have ever thought about that. What the hell did I do this for? Just to see it all come crashing down before it’s ever even published? This is, of course, an anxiety production problem.
PBVS-273: Session 32, Part B


Spaceland Publications proudly presents two more radical,  revolutionary must reads for any intellegent, curious, intellectually honest person who aspires for higher things:  STIP-2:  A Lecture Series on Nothing and The Ernst Zündel Interview of William W. Martin:

Spaceland Publications is honored to present STIP-2:  A Lecture Series on Nothing.  This has been transcribed directly from the tape recorded lectures of the live presentation of STIP-2 by Professor Galambos.  Spaceland Publications-following the example of Galambos’ literary executor, William W. Martin-has edited out nothing other than, “the professor’s slips of tongue, false starts, rare moments of trying to unscramble confusions of thought, dates, numbers, etc.”  This is in keeping with the procedure William W. Martin-used in editing Galambos’ fifteen volume magnum opus, Sic Itur Ad Astra.  The result?  Vintage Galambos!  No dull exposition of scientific facts here.  Rather, an animated, excited, often humorous and always articulate teaching of the most profound concepts of physics, biology and volitional science by a professor whose love of the subject matter was palpable.  It is the hope that the reader will feel more like he is listening to a lecture than reading a book, that Professor Galambos is talking to him, not writing to him.

Why, you may ask, are we publishing STIP-2 first?  Why not STIP-1?  And what has happened to the other nineteen STIP courses the professor delivered?  Tragically the answer to those questions requires an understanding of the criminal (as defined by AJG himself) actions and negligent lack of actions on the part of the so-called “trustees” of Galambos’ natural estate.  For this documentation I refer you to Bill Cobb’s thoroughly documented books.  For now, let it suffice to say that Professor Galambos gave over one hundred seventeen courses including the twenty STIP courses.  Spaceland Publications has reason to believe that many, probably most, of these courses have been destroyed.  Spaceland Publications looks upon this as THE major crime against civilization.  The publication of this short but significant course is the beginning of rectifying these injustices, out of gratitude to Professor Galambos. STIP-2 was originally scheduled as a one-day open-ended course for 1976 September 11.  After delivering two sessions that day the professor realized he had only scratched the surface of the significance of “nothing.”  Therefore, one year to the day, on September 11, 1977, Sunday, the professor delivered a three-session extension to the course, making it five sessions in all and renamed the whole as “A Lecture Series on Nothing.”

Professor Andrew J. Galambos

In the early 1980’s, Ernst Zündel unearthed many intentionally concealed facts regarding World War II history and the “Holocaust.”  Zündel-in  spite of being denounced in the media, physically attacked, parcel bombed, having his house set on fire, dragged into court time and time again and unjustifiably jailed until his death-courageously dedicated his life to revealing truth through his revolutionary writings and videotaped interviews, and continued doing so to his very last breath on August 5, 2017.

On September 29, 1999 Zündel conducted a videotaped interview with William W. Martin.  Martin was literary executor to astrophysicist, and developer of volitional science and theory of freedom, Andrew J. Galambos.  Zündel remarked that his interview with Martin was the best among the 480 interviews he had conducted.  Immediately after the interview Zündel said to his wife, Ingrid, “I have just met one of the finest minds ever!”

Andrew J. Galambos presented his theory of freedom from 1961 to 1989 in Los Angeles, California, attracting thousands of students from all parts of the globe.  Later, Martin would transcribe the audio recorded lectures on the professor’s behalf and complete his book in the year 2000, titled Sic Itur Ad Astra (Latin to English translation:  “This is the Way to the Stars”).  Galambos derived volitional science (replacing so-called “social science”) from physical science-physics-using the scientific method exclusively.  The professor defined freedom as :  The societal condition that exists when every individual has full (i.e. 100%) control over his own property.

No one-outside the professor himself-understood and articulated Galambos’ theory of freedom better than William W. Martin.  Martin specifically addressed Zündel’s market in the interview:  

“And for those in your market, who can in some way at some point in this interview be stimulated as I was…Then they have a chance at life.  And this is what lies beyond the great struggle we’re up against now.  We prevailed in that.  But while beginning to build these technologies, as the state disintegrates.  We don’t fight the state-it will accommodate us in its suicide.  We need the principles; we need the ideological background; we need the postulates; we need the method in order to build a gradual movement of dedicated, educated by the definition I gave.. I repeat, education is the successful transmission of absolutely right concepts [Martin slaps his desk] to those who not only can understand them, but will apply them in the real world.  The real world is derived from absolute rightness.”

The Ernst Zündel Interview of William W. Martin covers radical, revolutionary and liberating philosophy that provides new knowledge which is the key to understanding the truths of the past, present and future.  Martin provides Zündel, and the reader, with a panoramic sweep of Andrew J. Galambos’ theory of freedom and volitional science in a simple, straightforward style.  In this book, Cobb shows how Galambos, in spite of being a victim of false propaganda, was able to develop the solution to the rise and fall of all civilizations.  Sic Itur Ad Astra is the roadmap to a stable and durable civilization.  Please contact us at and join us in our quest to ensure the survival, expansion and advancement of Western Civilization.

  Brand New From Spaceland Publications: 

Andrew J. Galambos:  Publish or Perish! 

New discoveries to supplement the original Andrew J. Galambos: Betrayal and Triumph!

This “Pamphlet” is a follow-up to Mr. Cobb’s, Andrew J. Galambos: Betrayal and Triumph! It presents yet more evidence that the current interlopers masquerading as “co-trustees” of The Free Enterprise Institute have produced digitized courses that were never authorized or approved by Professor Galambos and are intentionally misleading and immorally produced. What’s more, all mention of the professor’s desire to publish his works in book form have been maliciously removed! This in spite of the fact that Mr. Cobb has presented over 120 examples of Professor Galambos referring to his upcoming book and books in just a small sample of his actual, unedited taped courses!

It is time for anyone who cares about the work of Andrew Galambos; anyone who cares about Freedom and the Ideological Flowstream of man; anyone who cares about the survival of Western Civilization to stand up and demand the resignation of those who have done absolutely nothing in the last 25 years to honor Professor Galambos’ wishes expressly set out in his trust. The “co-trustees” must go! In their place Mr. Bill Cobb and his colleagues at Spaceland Publications are ready, willing and able to carry forward the work of this great man and his much maligned literary executor, William W. Martin.

Spaceland Publications Presents:  The “Symposium on Freedom” Lectures and The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Paine, And Your Freedom by Andrew J. Galambos

                                 To Purchase, Click Here                                    

In 1952, Andrew J. Galambos changed his name to Joseph A. Galambos in order to honor the memory of his late father, Joseph B. Galambos, whose influence, more than any other, inspired the younger Galambos’ achievements. He retained this name until 1964, when, realizing that he actually might be obscuring his Father’s place in history, he changed his name back to Andrew J. Galambos.

Though seemingly contradictory, both name changes in fact arose from the same motivation: that of honoring his Father. Thus, the name shown in the title of these lectures and the name shown in the prototype and copyright all belong to the same person: Andrew J. Galambos.

Professor Galambos delivered two lectures at The Symposium on Freedom in 1961. The first on December 2, entitled “How Freedom Will Win”; the second on December 16, entitled: “Freedom vs. Destruction.”

It should be noted that Professor Galambos delivered these early lectures approximately eight months after he had formally integrated Volitional Science (on April 28, 1961) and provide a tremendous introduction to his ideas and fundamental principles.

Readers familiar with Galambos’ work will note the mention of several key concepts: capitalism, freedom and property; concepts that would all evolve and come into full fruition by 1964, when Professor Galambos presented his seminal course: “The Nature and Protection of Primary Property.”

Spaceland Publications has the honor to present both these lectures in printed form for the first time in history.


                                To Purchase, Click Here                                                   

Professor Andrew J. Galambos first offered V-76 in 1976. This version is from the presentation delivered in 1966, as a three-session course, and is an excellent historical supplement and introduction to Galambos’ basic course of Volitional Science, Course V-50.

Spaceland Publications is honored to present this lecture series in printed form in accordance with Professor Galambos’ wishes and instructions.

“What occurred in the period of time that is usually referred to as the American Revolution, is, in the teachings of The Free Enterprise Institute, the only historical antecedent to the subject of freedom. There has never been anything in the past history of the human race, other than the American Revolution, that could claim to be a movement of bona fide liberty.”

Andrew J. Galambos V-76, Session 1


Now Available from Spaceland Publications and Amazon: Andrew J. Galambos Betrayal and Triumph! The History of Betrayal of Andrew J. Galambos and the Ultimate Victory of Galambos’ True Literary Executor, William W. Martin                         By Bill Cobb​

Professor Andrew J. Galambos

Willam W. Martin, Literary Executor for Andrew J. Galambos

Professor Andrew J. Galambos

“And I would like at this time to say that when I was a small boy my father taught me a small but most monumentally large statement…And that, ladies and gentlemen is Sic Itur Ad Astra which means:  ‘This is the way to the stars.’…I would like to introduce you to man’s first major, near-term goal:  our nearest neighbor in galactic space— the Andromeda Galaxy—about a million light years away.”
Professor Galambos’ closing words to course V-201.
V-201: Session 48, Part B
Vol. VIII, p. 168

Statue of Herman in the Teutoberg Forest, North Rhine, Westphalia.
In 7 AD one of the largest armies in the history of the Roman Empire, three legions under the command of General Quintilius Varus, marched to conquer and garrison the Germanic lands beyond the Rhine. They would have succeeded were it not for the courage and indomitable will of one man: Herman, who the Romans called Arminius.
In 9 AD Herman organized the chronically feuding German kingdoms to resist the invader. In the thickly forested area called the Teutoberger Wald, Herman and his Germanic brothers attacked the Roman legions. After a battle lasting for days, the Roman legions were completely decimated. When news of the defeat reached Rome, Caesar cried out in the Senate: “Varus, where are my legions? Give me back my legions.” It was one of the worst defeats in the history of Rome. As a result, never was Rome able to conquer this region and the Germanic peoples were spared the fate of Rome.
Though victorious, Herman suffered greatly. His pregnant wife’s father, Segestes, betrayed his homeland and daughter by handing her over as hostage to the Romans, where Caesar had her paraded through the streets of Rome in chains. This treatment led to the loss of Herman’s son who was born in captivity. Tacitus in his Annuls, quotes Herman’s powerful speech to his fellow Germans:

   “Noble the father, mighty the general, brave the army which, with such strength, has carried off one weak woman. Before me, three legions, three commanders have fallen. Not by treachery, not against pregnant women, but openly against armed men do I wage war….Let Segestes dwell on the conquered bank…If you prefer your fatherland, your ancestors, your ancient life to Roman tyrants and their new colonies, follow me to glory and to freedom rather than Segestes to ignominious servitude.”


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